It's a proven fact: Music bypasses several cognitive stages that other information must travel through to affect us and settle in our memory. Music creates connections that can include all five senses in the creation of a recollection, giving it a much more "present" feeling in one's mind.

Music springs from, and fuels, our inner passions. Music soothes us when we're weary, elates us when we're celebratory, and teaches us when we want to know more. Music tells stories available from no other form of communication. Music can accompany any and all parts of our lives, and for many people, does!

In all of the world, in all of the forms of communication, music is unique in its ability to move us, to movitate us, to reassure us, and to make us feel more of a connection to the world than anything other form of sound.

Take advantage of the power of music (especially classic rock, in our not-so-humble opinion), to help get you through the different situations in your life. Let the music help you celebrate, or mourn, or face uncertainty, or just relax. But make it a part of your life on a regular basis. Whatever music moves you, incorporate it into your daily activities and celebrate the fact that we, as human beings, created music and added it to our various world cultures!

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